Module 4: Children and Soldiers: Working with Children In Situations of Armed Conflict Digital Download


Digital Download

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Module Developer: Stephanie Goins, Ph.D. & Paul Stockley

This 14-lesson module (181 pages) is intended for people already working with child soldiers or people preparing to work with child soldiers and/or children in contexts of armed conflict.

This module will prepare workers mentally and emotionally for the challenges of working with child soldiers. The module also provides a broad foundation for understanding the contexts and complex dynamics of children in armed conflict.

For those not involved directly with child soldiers, this module can help to significantly raise awareness of the issues faced by children in situations of armed conflict.

This purchase allows you to download the materials only once. All materials are under copyright to CCTI. As such reproduction for the purpose of redistribution and reselling the product is illegal and strictly forbidden. In addition rewriting any portion of the materials for the purpose of redistribution and / or reselling is illegal and strictly forbidden.